Blog 10: Products Usage and the Effects of it

29 Apr

Product usage and consumption is a deadly increasing problem in our modern world. The amount of products we use and dispose daily is staggering. We are using a lot of our non -renewable sources each day and we do not even realize it. Think about what you do each day and how much products you use  and dispose each day. In our modern world we need all of these things but we never think about the implications it causes to our earth.

One of the biggest reasons that product consumption has increased rapidly in the last couple of decades is due to the introduction of plastics. Plastics are the most handiest material on earth. They can be shaped, heated, molded and colored in any variety and they are very durable. Unfortunately though most plastics are non – biodegradable. Below shown is the plastics product life cycle.

Our ever increasing product use has caused serious problems to our planet such as:

Depletion of our Non Renewable Resources

Plastic which supplies us with most of our products, is made from crude oil a non renewable source. With more products the value of oil will only go up.

Global Warming and Climate Change

The manufacturing process and the distribution of products both use fossil fuels. The increase in the amount of products the increase in the use of fossil fuels which produces more emissions. These contribute greatly to the problem of climate change.

Human Toxicity 

The waste from our products can seriously damage peoples health. Large amounts of waste can be dangerous and very unhygienic and can cause illness.

Aquatic and Environmental Toxicity

The manufacture process and the waste of our products can seriously harm the environment. Water pollution can be another serious problem caused by the manufacture process of products.

The over use of products is an ever growing threat. Although these products do aid our lives in so many different ways it causes too much waste and other problems for us  to continue creating more products.




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